Fan Tables: Application is now CLOSED!
Fan Tables are a fannish tradition of common good. If you are part of an organization that provides a charitable service or puts on fannish event and you would like to send representation to ConFusion please fill out the application below.
Costs and Provisions:
- Fan Tables are limited to selling event registration or event specific paraphernalia.
- Fan Tables are granted based on space availability (not all applicants will be granted space).
- Table prices are $0. Limit 1 table (6 ft). Limit 2 chairs
- Each participant must have a badge to operate a Fan Table.
- Pre-Registered Badges are $52. You can also earn your badge through panel participation.
- Badges purchased after pre-registration is closed will be subject to
at-the door prices. - No more than 2 representatives may be working a Fan Table at any time.
- Applications are due by September 30, 2019.